Western Saddles
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Rider Measuring Instructions | Horse Measuring Instructions | Adjusting Your Western DK Saddle
The DK Saddle is truly a one-of-a-kind and uses the newest technology in western saddles today. Danny Kroetch has been a master saddle fitter for over 18 years, fitting approximately 2,000 saddles a year . Danny travels and is well known all over the world for his knowledge and abilities to fit and design saddles that work for every discipline. He was invited by the University of Utrecht, a veterinary university, to help in a 15-month study of how ill-fit saddles hurt horses. The study was published in the Veterinary Journal in 2005.
Sizes: 14"-17"
Leather: Available in Traditional Western Leather,French, Buffalo and French Calf Leather with optional Nubuck seat.
Adjustable Tree: This adjustable tree allows the rider to adjust the tree of his or her saddle to perfectly fit a horse or change the fit as the rider moves the saddle from horse to horse. The adjustments are easy to do and the required tool is included (see below).
Interlocked Double V Girthing System: The girthing system is also new to the DK Western Saddle. DK Saddlery uses an interlocking double V system that is placed over the strongest part of the horse's back, which gives the saddle far more stability, allows the horse to lift and carry its back far more freely, and makes it far more comfortable. This also enhances the movement and performance of the horse.
Upper-Inner Thigh twist: The twist of the saddle is extremely narrow to allow the leg to fall into the correct position.
This offers close contact for improved communication and a more secure seat.
Short Panel: A shorter panel means the weight bearing surface doesn't extend down to the lumbar muscles, which are not meant to bear weight.
Benefits Over the Traditional Western Saddle:
Adjustable to fit different horses
Places the weight correctly on the tricep muscle giving the should total freedom to move which creats a much more willing and happier to work.
Built in Air System can be adjusted to fit the assymetry of a horses back, helping the saddle sit square and level. This results in less chafing, fewer and thinner saddle pads, and remove the need to over-cinch the saddle.
Adjusting the Tree
DK Saddles are the first truly, fully adjustable western saddles in the industry today. This gives riders the ability to adjust the bars of the saddle to fit a horse’s withers and shoulders correctly. Riders can adjust the bars of the saddle up to 6 inches to fit any horse. Adjustments can be made in less than one minute. The ability to adjust the bars allows the saddle to sit far more stable to the horse, which gives more comfort to the horse and allows the horse much more freedom of motion in the shoulders. This enhances the horse's over all performance.
Below you can see how easy it is to adjust the saddle to fit your different horses. Patent #8,020,362 B2

This decorative concho swivels upward to reveal the hole that will accept the tool to adjust the tree.

Place the tool that comes with the saddle into the hole.

Turn the tool to widen the tree or to make it narrower depending on the horse.
The Flair System: Your Horse Will Love You Riding on Air!
DK Saddles also have a fully-adjustable air system built right into the bottom of the saddles that gives riders the ability to fine tune their fit. The air system is the best for the horses back as it allows the back to move far more freely as the air moves ever so slightly with the muscles of your horse's back and shoulders, which will also give more freedom and comfort. This enhances the performance.

The panels are covered with synthetic sheepskin held in place by industrial-strength velcro so they can easily be removed and washed.
When you remove the synthetic sheepskin it reveals the air panels, which guarantee your horse a comfortable ride and a perfect fit!
In the gullet you can see the small hoses that Danny will use to precicely inflate and deflate the air bags to acheive a perfect fit for your horse's back.